Motion to consider magnums as your new “boxed wine.” I realize that not ALL natural wines stay fresh when open for days but some definitely DO, such as anything made by our local Adelaide Hills no-sulfur whiz, @theotherright.
We love keeping a magnum open for days, on the counter if the weather is cool or in the fridge, and watching it evolve as we drain it glass by glass.
We are all staying in so much these days (with the main exception of friends in Europe whose Instagrams I might need to mute for the foreseeable future) so investing in a few large format bottles to brighten up the evenings seems like a good choice.
Also, if you’re feeling a bit down lately, make sure to keep up the self care. Buy some flowers or nice candles. Do a YouTube workout. ❤️
The Other Right, 2019 Adelaide Hills Chardonnay. White peaches, sandstone, and flint.